
“Windows of Opportunity” 21 April 2020

                                                                                                                          Windows of Opportunity “What is a window of opportunity? "T hought this to be: 'Great reading and wanted to share it!"  B y: Colin Burns Looking through a different Window "I have been thinking about windows and “Windows of Opportunity”. What is a window of opportunity? A window of opportunity is a short, often fleeting time period during which a rare and desired action can be taken. Once the window closes, the opportunity may never come again. In some cases, it is possible to plan for and anticipate a window of opportunity and then act accordingly when the window opens. Many times, however, an opportunity arises that is unforeseen, and it is up to individuals to identify the opportunity and then to act on it. The bible often speaks of windows, I have just listed four examples below, three referring to w

Finding The Hidden Treasure - 7 April 2020

"Looking at how you too can care for the Community?"

2020 Term 1 Menu Breakfast Club

"Bit of info - Curtin Students - Thank you,                        Missing you already!" Click each photo on your phone - Get a clear picture                                    L ooking Through the Eyes of Breakfast Club      So Many of Us Making The Difference                   "It's a Family Affair!"  Still to be put in "Right Order!" Thank you, for all the  hard work and  effort! We appreciate our Volunteers & Sponsors                                                                               "You, make the difference!"

16 September 2019 "Prayer Can Move A Mountain!"

Image                                          Pierre  Shuai  Yang  MLC Government Whip in the Legislative Council.                                                                     We Were Short on Volunteers today! "Guess, Who turned up???" Thank you - Our Volunteers Kailee's "Ready to Rip Into It!" A Loving Father & Daughter! No Stopping them       Toad in the Hole Healthy Choices Hi!  We Got Here Early Today!

It's a Team Effort - Thank you to Sponsors & Volunteers 2 April 2020 Brookman P.S Breakfast Club

Image 2 April 2020 T E A M   E F F O R T                                                                  Thank you 

"Spot The Difference" - First Day Term 1. 2020

Welcome Back! Brookman Primary School Breakfast Club Thank you  Our  Sponsors - 2020                                                                                          First Day Back 2020  Principal Hans Geers - loves to be involved                                                               Spot 1. Volunteers make the difference too - "Caring for Our Community"   Spot 2. Spot 3. Thank you!                                                                                    "Spot The Difference!"

Term 4. Week 1. Jason Windows 15 October 2109

Image Tuesday begins, with Milo  Pancakes, are on the way! Vanessa & Keng - cooking pancakes It's a team effort. "The difference Jason Windows Makes, To Our School Routine!" Preparation for Breakfast Club, complete in 45 minutes to 1 hour. Jason Windows , give time willingly! Community minded: Brendan O'rielly, shows,  a company, who cares!  No time to take anymore Pics Everyone loved the pancakes! Great Team work! Good Job