
Showing posts from November, 2017
We Welcome Jason Windows                                                      Tuesday                                                  21/11/2017 Joseph Making pancakes
                                                              Thursday                             16/11/ 2017 Thank you - to the Men from Jason Windows coming in today  "Your Presence is Presence Enough!" Murray & (Leong  "A True Blue Aussie") Role Modeling: Good Role model - for his Kids to follow..... Alex - Well Done! Trinity College "Community Service - benefits us All " Reni Willing, to be involved in the Breakfast Club. This was as soon as he arrived at Jason Widows Thank you to you all! Caring for the kids / families Anyone Seen Lyndon???
To Be inspired - by Leni "The power of a family working together"                        Breakfast Club                                                                                                                                    language, is No Barrier! Wednesday     15/11/2017 "You can set your clock  -  by Tamara!" Tara - Weet- bix anyone?? "Obstacles are overlooked - by Tara"  "It May be a 14 hour day - but Lucy's here!" Team Work/s.............. Thank you - Karen & ladies Ready to serve Breakfast  Friendship Merry, Not Christmas - brings "Joy" -  like Christmas we missed you out; Thank you to So Many, "People who Care to Make The Difference"                                                 Brookmanblogspot:
brookmanblogspot  Blogging On                       Monday           13/11/2017 "Who needs to speak English?" Just one word at a time! No Doubt about Lucy - always comes to the rescue Teachers Assistants - "We Can't Do Without Them!" We Appreciate our Volunteers Thank you - "You make the difference!"                Blogging Off!                  
                                     Friday                   10/11/2017 Blogging on...... Who is it??? It's Tamara No Shortage of Volunteers, today... Team Effort! Lasmaria, Muma, Lucy, Tamara Oh, Yes. That's Leni on the right (at the back) Tara & Leni TAFE friends Had to keep thinking with two names - Tara & Tamara  They Did all the dishes, While Jodie and i did some planning - for next week.  "It doesn't just happen!" Jodie, has the organisational ability! Blogging Off! Great Job ladies,  Thank you!
Staff from Jason Windows Brookman Is Blogging On........ Welcome to Our Week Monday 6/11/2017 On Our  Menu Milk Milo Toad in the hole Spaghetti Toasties Two fruits in cups  Fresh fruit  Oranges / Pears We Thank Our Amazing Volunteers  Guess Who's over from China? "We don't need the Language of words, Love is what says it All!" Great Job, ladies. "Who'd of thought we just met each other???" How do you ask someone who can't speak English,What's your name? We just called her, Muma! We Welcome  Jason Windows Today                                                              Tuesday                              7/11/2017 Our Menu Today Milk The smile says it All! Milo                            Boiled Eggs Cheese Toasties                                         With Tender Loving Care! Saltana Bran Cornflakes Nathan making Cheese Toasties Fres