Staff from Jason Windows

Brookman Is Blogging On........

Welcome to Our Week

Monday 6/11/2017
On Our 


Toad in the hole
Spaghetti Toasties
Two fruits in cups 
Fresh fruit 
Oranges / Pears

We Thank Our Amazing Volunteers

 Guess Who's over from China? "We don't need the Language of words, Love is what says it All!"
Great Job, ladies. "Who'd of thought we just met each other???"
How do you ask someone who can't speak English,What's your name?
We just called her, Muma!

We Welcome 
Jason Windows Today

                                           Tuesday                              7/11/2017
Our Menu Today

The smile says it All!


Boiled Eggs

Cheese Toasties
With Tender Loving Care!
Saltana Bran


Nathan making Cheese Toasties
Fresh Fruit 


Ken - He may have retired; but still Giving back........

Thank you Jason Windows

Brookman's Blogging on........

Wednesday 8/11/2017

Thank you Ladies!
Just silent Achievers

Working Together

 "Getting the Job Done"

Nearly time to ring the bell 8:15 am

Blogging Off!!

Thursday 9/11/2017

Blogging on again!

I Didn't say Slogging on >>>

"Life happens" - to get in the way.......

Bit Late!

Thank You!
Jason Windows

Getting ready to set the tables for;
"Breakfast Club!"
Staff from Jason Windows 
Tuesday's & Thursday
 Caring for the Community

Sam - "More than a pretty face!"

The Smile says it; with Tender loving care!

Kieren's Here!
Who said ?You Don't Show up in a picture??

Jenny know the hygiene standards
                     Yes, It's Dan in the dark
To Bad about the light..

              Now we can All

            "What are you doing?"             
 "Thank you Jason Windows"

                  Blogging off........


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