
Showing posts from February, 2018

Jason Windows Tuesday February 27th 2018

                                                                                    J ason W indows S taff V olunteering                                                                      Tuesday February 27th 2018 B rendan - First in today!   R obby - Ready to start Breakfast N ow for a Real Smile T im  W e've Arrived! " A more Casual Chad " T hank you for the Milo! Will that "pesky person" - trying to Show what a "Great Company Jason Windows " is: Go Away! We,   love to Care for the Kids "Thanks Tim" s mile! R obbie  - Making Cheese Toasties C had is, "Not a Stirrer,"  but someone's Got to do it!! (In case you can't work that out?) C had, Stiring the Milo!   K ate! With the same diligence, No Doubt , working for Jason Windows I'm  finishing , cheese Toasties! R obb

"Light Breakfast Today!" Monday February 26 2018

Monday 26th February 2018 "Thank you to All our Amazing Sponsors" Where Do We Start?? Gitana - putting peaches in Cups Allaire - Cutting up pears (It's Easy with the fruit cutter) Another Pic Nearly time to serve breakfast 8 am Everyone is Ready to start! Who's Ringing the Bell?? Allaire's pouring out the Milo / Gitana  serving Cereals Tamara - Serving the toast. It's a Light Breakfast today!


Yuki and Tamara coming in early Working hard! Mixing... Cutting up delicious Banana Cakes Anyone can be a volunteer Mika serving the fabulous Milo Eating is easy, but cleaning up is a lot of work! A light breakfast for the volunteering team