Breakfast club -an overview of this year an some of last year 2017/2018


Spot the Principal

The Menu Varies

The Undercover Area - to serve;
Breakfast Anyone!

Volunteers - Bring Variety!

Mothers Day Fundraiser - After Breakfast Club 
(Not straight after, though!)
Breakfast Club - runs through the P&C (Parents & Citizens) 
P&C works!
Team Effort!

Chin, the Love that Goes into it!

Curtin Uni Student/s, Parent/s - Working Together; Like you know Who??
You Guessed it..........
"Bob the Builder!"

Leni, "Oh to Be inspired!"

Jason Windows - "Providing Healthy Choices!"

Takes time  ~"Improve/ing the mindset~"

Sometimes, "We All  Have To;"
 "Bog In" (parents helping)

Vanessa, Jason Windows Staff (may seem like your always at Breakfast club Vanessa???)
The newbies to Jason Windows; are now, coming to help also, "Thank you!"

Don't you Love; "The smile; says it All!"

Renee - (took me a long time to get it right !)
Who can forget Renee??
"More than an asset to Jason Windows; Like all  Jason Windows Staff"

Allaire, a previous; (Weymern)
Student of Brookman Primary School
"We Trust another year of Uni Goes Well!"

More than a business - "Jason Windows; It's a lifestyle"

Kate, has the mothering touch!

Anyone know a good joke; for Tim

Chin & Shre - "Pancakes & Toad in the hole"
(just in case i forget, to tell you Shre); the crumpets weren't out of date.

"I took them out of the freezer")

Grace - Don't you think her name suits her??

Must be 8 am Jason Windows Staff - Tuesday & Thursday

We finish at 8:15 am

Thank you!

Karen & Jodie - help make kids lives; (as we all, aim to do;)
"A Brighter place to Live, study & Enjoy!
 Brookman Primary School

Tamara - So Good to have you volunteer - from Lynwood High school

Time to put up the tables for Breakfast Club

Nothing like team work - Jason Windows

Keiren - "The Value of Education"

I may already have two jobs; But, this is:
"So Rewarding!"

"Jodie, We're Here to care for the Kids!"

"Might be; To Busy to scratch myself" - But Hey!
"I'M A Fan!"

Tara - Doesn't waste her time whilst she is job searching!!
Good Work, Tara

"Young and old working together"

Getting The Foundations "Right!"

Good on you Leong!!

"Giving into a country;"
Not her own!

Fathering the fatherless 

Always ready to full fill the roster Craig!

Brendan - as they say; it all comes from the top
Thank you! 

Yuky - Loves to Cook
Must be one of UWA's Finest Students

Well Done Yuky!

Daniel - Preparing himself for nursing , thank you.

Toad in the hole with muffins

Kyme - Cleaning up the dishes; ready to go to work from
Breakfast Club


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