
Showing posts from July, 2019

30 July 2019 Jason Windows "No Stopping Them!"

Image Thank You G o o g l e  Jason Windows                                                                       

Brookman Breakfast 29 July 2019 "The Three of Us"

Image   More to the rescue serving Up......  Thank you to All Our Sponsors Google, We appreciate You too! Parent Room Lovely Day in Sunny Perth Mara -is Busy today Ferry        

26 July 2019 "The brains behind it!"

   It's Team Work Thank you 

25 July 2019 "Amazing, 'What a Prayer Can Do!"

Image Brett, heating up Fried Rice Dan getting the tables set up! Joe making - Cheese & ham and Cheese toasties.... Fruit platter is ready to prepare???? Allen's a new man- "No back pain for awhile now..." Glad to hear Thank you Jason Windows

24 June 2019 "It Fell into Place"

Image This was the second day back at school after term 2 holidays We decided after all the food seem to move towards making fried rice; we would make it. This is the dish we only do if we have enough volunteers, as we did today! Yuki, is a very capable student fro UWA. With the help of us all this was the final product. We value all the who sponsors of Brookman Primary School Breakfast Club. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you                                                 Mara, shares the food she eats with Yuki Leonie, cutting herbs for fried rice Mushrooms for Fried Rice today! Yuki - The Master Chef Sharon making: Spaghetti & Bake Bean Toasties Ferry, in the background cutting up a fruit  platter Crista (our new volunteer) Cutting up Beans - for the fried rice We all Rip into finishing off the Fried Rice Leonie - preparing cerea